Aug 30, 2018
American Chan Meditation is coming to New York.
Chan meditation is the most advanced form of Mahayana Buddhist meditation. Passed down directly from the Buddha through his lineage of...

Aug 13, 2018
Meditation: What to Do & What Not to Do
1. I was taught to sit or lay down as comfortable as possible and relax during meditation. Why do you recommend to sit in full lotus?...

May 21, 2018
Master YongHua - What is Chan and ChanQi?
What is chanQi? 선칠은 무엇인가요? Chan is practice of Chan, Qi is Chinese for 7. So this is particular method of practice that it’s built...

Aug 23, 2017
Chris's experience of Chan Meditation
Chris is new to meditation. He came to Chan Meditation in the Park class and he was very lucky to be able to cross his legs and sit in...

Aug 10, 2017
Source: www.meditationmag.com Six years ago, my life situation was at the worst it’s ever been, and I was desperate to find something to...

Apr 10, 2017
My Meditation Superpower
At the world congress of anti-aging annual meeting, I met a CEO of another company and started a conversation. And then he came to my...

Jun 24, 2016
Master Yonghua: "Introduction to Chan Meditation" | Talks at Google
Chan Meditation: Maximizing Well-Being, Productivity and Creativity In this talk, Dharma Master YongHua introduces superior advantages...

Jun 2, 2016
Help your child to become happier through your daily meditation.
Parents always want their children to be happy and successful. Parents dedicate their lives to feed, educate and nurture the children...

Feb 20, 2016
Position Yourself: The Basics of Meditation
Sitting flat on the floor with your legs crossed is the best position for meditation. This is because: It enables you to develop samadhi...

Oct 23, 2015
Chan Meditation in the Park
In 2012, I went to Lu Mountain Temple out of curiosity about meditation. I always liked everything I read about Buddhism and I always...