Useful Links

Chan Master Hsuan Hua
Events: Retreats, Medtiation classes, Ceremonies and more
Resources: audios, videos, books
Buddhist Text translation Society: Translations of Buddhism texts (Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Vietnamnese and more)
FREE download: audio, video and texts

Chan Master YongHua
Every Saturday FREE Meditation class 8:45 AM
Every Sunday Dharma Assembly + Sutra Lectures 8:00 AM
Fo Qi Budha Recitation Retreat
Chan Qi Meditation Rereat
LIve Dharma talk online
FREE download: Audio, Video and texts
Lisbon, Portugal
There's a group of meditators who regularly visit Lu Mountain Temple and train in Chan Meditation in Lisbon, Portugal. They organize regular sitting meditation, retreat and other events in Portugal. For more information, visit their website at https://meditarlisboa.com or contact hello@meditarlisboa.com.
선수행 네이버 블로그
주인장 샤나입니다. 절에서 매년 두번씩 암거할때 마다, 법문 내용, 깨달은 점들, 떠오른 생각 등을 적어서 올려봅니다.
선수행, 노산사 (Lu Mountain Temple), 선화상인, 사진, 법문노트 등